Another Nintendo Switch Launch Game Confirmed

The Nintendo Switch‘s launch lineup grows again today, as Square Enix has confirmed that its RPG I Am Setsuna will be available for the system at release on March 3.

Previously, I Am Setsuna was confirmed only to launch for Switch sometime in March.

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I Am Setsuna is the first game from Square Enix’s newest studio, Tokyo RPG Factory. You play as a young woman named Setsuna who has “incredible power and inner strength.” The turn-based game aims to offer controls that are “inspired by the golden age of JRPGs.”

I Am Setsuna is already available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, and PC, where it sells for $40. GameSpot’s I Am Setsuna review scored it a 7/10.

There are now seven Switch launch titles confirmed for North America, including 1-2-Switch, The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+, Just Dance 2017, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Skylanders: Imaginators, and Super Bomberman R.

The Switch launch lineup could continue to grow between now and release in March, but it’s unlikely there will be as many launch titles as there were for Wii U, which had 23. Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime recently spoke out to stress that launch is “not the be-all and the end-all.”

Aiming to address problems with the Wii U, Fils-Aime said Nintendo plans to deliver additional compelling games on a regular basis to keep current owners happy and draw in new ones.

“It really is the steady pacing of content that continually reinforces for the people who bought into the platform why they made a smart choice, as well as what compels people who might be sitting on the sidelines to jump in,” he said.

You can see all of the confirmed Switch games here in this roundup.

The Switch launches on March 3, priced at $300.