Bane Declares War On Batman In New Arc

Batman often does whatever it takes to to save others. When a new hero, Gotham Girl, needed his help, the Dark Knight invaded Santa Prisca and broke into one of the most secure prisons in the world. Gotham Girl had been infected with a fear toxin by Hugo Strange and is going insane. Batman’s old enemy, Bane, had the one man that could help Gotham Girl, the Psycho Pirate. With the help of some allies, Batman defeated Bane and left him lying broken.

With Psycho Pirate in custody, it’s only a matter of time until Bane makes his next move. He had recently given up using Venom, the drug that gives super strength. After being defeated, he has decided to take the drug again and is coming for Batman.

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The new story arc, “I Am Bane,” begins in Batman #16. In the preview above, Batman is at Arkham Asylum, watching over Psycho Pirate. With the help of some allies, Batman defeated Bane and left him lying broken. Batman will have five days to save Gotham Girl but also has to keep those he loves safe since Bane will stop at nothing to get what he wants.

Batman #16 is written by Tom King with art by David Finch. The variant cover is by Tim Sale. The issue goes on sale Wednesday, February 1, in stores and online.