Battlefield 1 was announced last week with a trailer, and if you’re wondering if people like it or not, then we’ve got an answer for you: it’s eclipsed one million likes on YouTube, which makes it the most liked trailer of all time. Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare was announced a week prior, and… well, it’s not quite as popular. The futuristic shooter has surpassed one million dislikes, making it the most disliked trailer of all time (via Forbes).
Battlefield 1, at the time of publishing, has just over 1,107,000 likes, slotting it just behind Beyonce’s Drunk in Love music video. Its also got a positive like:dislike ratio with just over 20,000 negative votes. It’s worth noting that Battlefield 1 has not been added to the linked YouTube playlist, so this information may not be completely accurate.
On the other end of the spectrum in more than just name, Infinite Warfare sits at nearly 1,400,000 dislikes. Not only does this make it the most disliked trailer of all time, it makes it the fifth most disliked video in YouTube history. It’s ahead of Miley Cyrus’s “Wrecking Ball” and closing in on “Gangnam Style” by Psy. Again, it’s worth noting these numbers may not be 100% accurate.
For comparison, the official trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens has just over 660,000 likes, while its teaser brought in over 144,000.
YouTube users aren’t the only ones who ‘like’ the trailer. Infinite Warfare developer Infinity Ward posted to its Facebook page, saying “It’s a great reveal trailer. Kudos to the DICE team.” Additionally, Infinity Ward’s director of communications, Eric Monacelli, tweeted congratulations to DICE and said, “Great song choice, looks superb with interesting mechanics teased.”
GameSpot attended a Battlefield 1 reveal event last week, where we learned about the game’s multiplayer, which reemphasizes its land-air-and-sea gameplay with swords, biplanes, and battleships.
Lead designer Danny Berlin also discussed the single-player, which he says “will more accurately reflect Battlefield’s open sandboxes” and offer “much more choice and variety than [it’s] done before.” Talking to GamesBeat, he revealed that the story will follow multiple characters including the Bedouin woman warrior from the trailer.
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, on the other hand, may be set in the future, but its developer says that the story’s inspiration comes from war, not science fiction. However, Infinity Ward says the space setting allows for some unique features like “crazy environments,” zero-gravity combat, and spaceship dogfights.
In addition to the futuristic warfare, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare will be remastered and released with premium editions of the game that range in price from $80-$120. This will be the only way to get the remastered Modern Warfare, as it won’t be sold on its own.
Battlefield 1 releases for PS4, Xbox One, and PC on October 21. You can get three-day early access through EA and Origin Access on Xbox One and PC or by purchasing a deluxe edition of the game.
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare hits the PS4, Xbox One, and PC on November 4. The PS4 will have timed-exclusivity on the game’s DLC because of a deal that started with last year’s Black Ops III.