Battlefield 1: See the First Images of They Shall Not Pass DLC

Following a tease last week, Electronic Arts today shared even more images of Battlefield 1‘s upcoming They Shall Not Pass expansion and talked about the real-world battle it’s based on.

In a blog post, EA shared what it called “concept exploration images” of They Shall Not Pass’ new multiplayer maps. They represent developer DICE’s vision for the new arenas but are not final. You can click through the images in the gallery below to see them all.

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They Shall Not Pass is set during the Battle of Verdun, in France. According to DICE, around 1 million shells were fired in the opening parts of the battle alone, leading to forest fires, which is why you’ll see trees engulfed in flames in the DLC maps. A version of the Samogneux village, destroyed by war, will be the focus of one of the maps, while another will depict the battles that took place inside Fort Vaux.

“Down here in the maze of dark galleries the French and Germans fought ferociously with grenades, flamethrowers, and poison gasses,” DICE said.

One of the other maps will feature a battlefield torn apart by artillery shells; according to DICE, around 40 million were fired during the entirety of the Battle of Verdun, “turning the earth into a shattered lunar landscape.” At least one of the maps will feature “underground fortresses,” DICE teased.

In addition to new maps (DICE hasn’t said exactly how many are in the add-on), They Shall Not Pass comes with more weapons and dog tags. People who own the Battlefield 1 Premium Pass ($50) can play They Shall Not Pass and the other three upcoming expansions two weeks before everyone else can buy them.