Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Dev Says Story Inspiration Comes From War, Not Sci-Fi

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare was officially revealed today, alongside a new trailer and the announcement of Modern Warfare Remastered. Infinite Warfare is set for release this fall, where we might also see Titanfall 2 and a new Battlefield. Infinite Warfare design director Jacob Minkoff talked to GameSpot about the story’s inspirations and how he believes the narrative will prevent players from feeling fatigue if the fall is crowded by futuristic military shooters.

“The approach that we’ve been taking with this game… the inspirations don’t come from sci-fi or space in any way,” Minkoff said. “The inspirations come from war stories. This is Call of Duty. We are talking about warfare and in this case Infinite Warfare… what we feel is that classically told narratives can take place in any setting.”

He said that the story is about relatable characters, “as relatable as they can be when they’re a T-1 operator.” Minkoff said that when human beings are put under pressure, “interesting things happen.”

“In this case, we have the additional pressure of our setting. Space is an inhospitable environment for humans,” he explained. Minkoff added that players won’t be controlling or facing off against any aliens.

“It’s man vs. man. The truth is that war follows us everywhere,” he said. “We feel like this is going to give you the trademark Call of Duty feeling no matter what setting we’re in. And fundamentally there is never fatigue for a good story well told, no matter what the genre.”

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare launches on November 4 for PS4, Xbox One. and PC. The next big news event for the upcoming shooter is at E3. We’ll likely see more of the game at PlayStation’s pre-E3 conference.

Additonally, the PS4 will have timed-exclusivity when it comes to Infinite Warfare’s DLC. This is the result of a deal between Sony and Activision, which was announced last year at E3.

Check out more of GameSpot’s coverage of Infinite Warfare through the links below: