Dishonored 2 Finally Getting Mission-Select Option and New Difficulty Settings Soon

Dishonored 2 continues to evolve. Bethesda today announced more specifics about what’s in the game’s second major update, including new custom difficulty settings and a mission-select option.

Update 2 launches on PC through Steam in beta form on January 18. The final version will be out on January 23 for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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Here’s how Bethesda describes what you can do with the new custom difficulty settings:

“Let’s say you’re a stealth player who likes to carefully explore every option… now you can move a slider that adjusts how effective you are leaning from behind a barrier when skulking around. With more than 20 different sliders, these custom difficulty settings let you fiddle with everything from how quickly Sleep Darts take effect to how many active enemies are likely to attack you at once.”

The Dishonored 2 update also adds the option to play at the uber-difficult Iron Mode setting. “You’ll not only deal with permadeath but also won’t be able to manually save or load,” Bethesda said.

Lead designer Dinga Bakaba said: “You will have to live with the consequences of your actions, or die permanently because of them.”

Update 2 also adds the much-requested ability to choose a specific mission to replay. All of your progress that you had at the start of the mission–including your character, runes, money, and more–will be intact when you play the mission again.

Finally, Bethesda said Dishonored 2’s second update includes “new and improved features” that are based on fan feedback; Bethesda will provide specifics on these later.

Dishonored 2’s first major update, which came out in December 2016, added a New Game Plus mode.