Final Fantasy 7 Remake Gets New Art, But No Details

Those hoping for news on Final Fantasy VII Remake out of a Square Enix event dedicated to the series’ 30-year anniversary today have only a lone new image to devour.

In lieu of any new details about the game, Square Enix released a piece of key art for the in-development remake. You can check out the image below; it shows Cloud standing with his sword in front of Midgar, with Sephiroth towering over everything in the background.

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Beyond that, there was no news related to Final Fantasy VII out of the event. We did, however, learn more about upcoming DLC for Final Fantasy XV and a release date for the remake of Final Fantasy XII.

The absence of anything beyond a piece of artwork–not even a screenshot–came as a disappointment to many. Not only did Square Enix mark the 30-year anniversary of Final Fantasy with today’s event, but Final Fantasy VII is also celebrating its 20th anniversary.

Director Tetsuya Nomura, who is also at work on Kingdom Hearts III, recently suggested the remake was still far off. He did, however, say he hoped to show both of his projects off in 2017.

“Last year, I didn’t put out much information on either title, but this year I want to show our progress at an event somewhere,” he said. “The release of the titles themselves have still have a way to go. But there are many titles releasing this year, if you can wait for any ‘surprises.’”