Get Your Latest Free Mythical Pokemon Now

This year’s free Pokemon giveaway continues, and now that it’s May, it’s time to add another to your collection.

Each month through the end of the year, you can get a free Mythical Pokemon for Pokemon X/Y or Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire. May’s offering is a level 100 Darkrai, a Dark-type Pokemon that comes equipped with the Dark Void, Ominous Wind, Nightmare, and Feint Attack moves.

Darkrai is free to claim from now through May 24. To get yours, you’ll have to visit a participating GameStop in the United States or EB Games in Canada to secure a code that unlocks it. You won’t need to buy anything, but you will need to redeem the code by August 31 for it to work.

Once you’ve gotten your hands on a code, the process for redeeming it is fairly simple. Simply head into the Receive Gift option of the main menu, choose Get With Code, and follow the steps from there. More detailed instructions are available here.

The giveaway, which began in February, is part of Pokemon’s 20-year anniversary celebration and will continue for the remainder of the year. Among those still to come are Manaphy (June), Shaymin (July), and Arceus (August).