Here's What The Original Resident Evil Would Look Like In First-Person

With Resident Evil 7: Biohazard set to take the series into first-person with its release tomorrow, a modder has gone back and offered us a look at a first-person Resident Evil 1.

Following up on a video shared earlier this month, YouTube user Rod Lima has now shared another, even longer one (via NeoGAF). Lima uncovered certain animation data for the remake of Resident Evil, then wrote a script that essentially turns it into a first-person game.

The new video is described as a “quick gameplay test” and picks up from where the first one left off, as Jill is about to leave the dining room for her first encounter with a zombie.

Lima intends to add proper sound effects and fix an issue with weapon animations, which obviously weren’t originally designed to appear so close to the camera. There’s no indication this will ever turn into a playable mod, but it does make for interesting viewing.

If you’re eager to play a Resident Evil horror game in first-person, Resident Evil 7 looks like it does the job nicely. You can read GameSpot’s review and check out our review roundup for more perspectives.