Heroes of the Storm Video Demonstrates Its New Warcraft Character's Abilities

Following his reveal last month, Zul’jin–the next Warcraft character on the way to Heroes of the Storm–has gotten the spotlight in a new video.

Zul’jin is a ranged assassin who thrives as he loses health. Blizzard previously offered a rundown on his abilities and talents, but today’s video provides our best look yet at the Warcraft troll.

As with seemingly many of the game’s recent additions, Zul’jin looks to be a high skill-cap character. His ability to cost himself health and do additional damage at low health is an intriguing combo, particularly considering that low health causes one of his Heroics (Guillotine) to do far more damage than it otherwise would.

His other Heroic choice, Taz’dingo, sounds somewhat tame, as it merely prevents his health from dropping below one (while still allowing him to attack). But combined with the additional damage he can do at that point, it may prove to be an incredibly frustrating ability to contend with.

Zul’jin arrives as part of today’s patch, which should be available in the next few hours. The update also makes some balance changes, adding armor to three characters (Arthas, Anub’arak, and Greymane in his Worgen form), improving Azmodan’s All Shall Burn, and adjusting some other characters. You can see the full patch notes here.