Justice League Director Says Superman Plays A "Big Part"

Superman actor Henry Cavill has always been part of the Justice League cast, but it has been unclear exactly how much the Man of Steel will feature in the upcoming DC superhero team-up. Now director Zack Snyder has confirmed that he will play a major role. If you haven’t seen Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, there are spoilers below!

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Speaking to Empire magazine, Snyder said: “Superman does play a big part in this movie. His presence, and lack of presence, are big story points.” (via batman-news.com). Superman technically died at the end of last year’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and while Snyder doesn’t state exactly how much screentime Cavill will get, it’s clear that his character will be important.

Last August, Cavill teased a potentially different look for Superman. He posted an image that suggests that he might wear the ‘dark’ costume from The Death and Return of Superman comic books from the early ’90s. In those issues, Superman was killed by Doomsday, much as he was in Dawn of Justice, and returned with a dramatic new look.

In addition, a new image from Justice League has been revealed. This was also published in Empire, and comes via CBM. It shows Batman, Wonder Woman, Cyborg, and The Flash–check it out below:

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Justice League stars Ben Affleck as Batman, Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Ezra Miller as Flash, Jason Momoa as Aquaman, and Ray Fisher as Cyborg. It hits theaters on November 16, 2017.