This post contains spoilers about Lost
Lost executive producer Damon Lindelof has weighed in on the possibility of a reboot or revival. Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, Lindelof said if there is to be a revival of the much-loved sci-fi show, it would need to have new characters or be set in a different timeline.
“Those characters not only died, but we showed you their experience post-death,” he said. “Any new take on Lost will probably have to feature new characters, as it should.”
Lindelof went on to say that it would be “somewhat of a betrayal” to return to Lost for a new show, in part because the story was already “heavily serialized.” Not only that, but Lindelof said he and his team had “ample time to end [Lost] on our own terms,” so it wouldn’t feel right to go back and add more.
His comments might not sound very optimistic about a new Lost show, but it could still happen with a different creative team. Just like Star Wars lived on after George Lucas sold the franchise, the Lost franchise could return with new talent behind it in the future.
“There’s something really exciting about the fact that George Lucas sold the Star Wars universe and now the people who grew up watching it are making it,” Lindelof said. “Maybe the same thing could be said for Lost.”
Speaking of Star Wars, Lost was co-created by JJ Abrams, who directed Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
Would you be interested in a Lost revival of some kind? Let us know in the comments below!