It’s May 1, which means the first of the month’s free Games With Gold titles are now available.
As announced previously, Xbox One owners can now pick up Defense Grid 2 (normally $15), while another game with the word Grid in it, Grid 2 (normally $15), is now available free on Xbox 360.

Additionally, one of April 2016’s Xbox One freebies–Sunset Overdrive–will remain free until May 15. You can see the complete Games With Gold schedule for May 2016 below.
On the other side of the fence, the free PlayStation Plus titles for May 2016 are expected to become available this Tuesday, May 3, when the PlayStation Store refreshes.
May 2016 Games With Gold Lineup:
Xbox One:
- Defense Grid 2 (normally $15) – May 1-31
- Costume Quest 2 (normally $15 — May 16-June 15
- Sunset Overdrive (normally $20) — April 16-May 15
Xbox 360:
- Grid 2 (normally $15) — May 1-15
- Peggle (normally $10) — May 16-31