It’s the first day of January, which means Xbox Live Gold members can now grab more free games.
As announced previously, this month’s Games With Gold titles include Deathtrap: World of Van Helsing on Xbox One and The Cave for Xbox 360–that game is playable on Xbox One via backwards compatibility. Starting on January 16, Killer Instinct Season 2 (Xbox One) and Rayman Origins (Xbox 360) will be available at the low, low price of free in the Games With Gold program.
You can see a full rundown of this month’s Games With Gold titles below.
In other news, Microsoft’s massive Countdown sale for Xbox Live continues with its second week of deals–see a roundup of some of the best ones here.
Across the fence, January 2017’s free PlayStation Plus games will become available when the PlayStation Store refreshes for the first time this month, on January 3.
Games With Gold January 2017 Lineup:
Xbox One:
- Deathtrap: World of Van Helsing (January 1-31)
- Killer Instinct Season 2 (January 16-February 15)
- Outlast (December 16-January 15)
Xbox 360:
- The Cave (January 1-15)
- Rayman Origins (January 16-31)