New Mass Effect: Andromeda Screenshot Revealed in Wake of James Gunn's Positive Comments

BioWare has released a new Mass Effect: Andromeda screenshot in the wake of Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn speaking out to praise the franchise overall.

Below is the new screenshot, as shared by BioWare GM Aaryn Flynn on Twitter. He said he wanted to share the screenshot as a thank you to Gunn for his “kind words and excitement” about Andromeda.

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Earlier this week, Gunn said on Twitter that he is trying to clear out his schedule after Guardians of the Galaxy 2 comes out in May so he can play Andromeda. He is a big fan of the series, saying in another tweet that he played every entry in the original trilogy “to the end.”

In yet another tweet, Gunn said that, besides the Guardians of the Galaxy comics, Mass Effect was among his biggest inspirations for the Guardians of the Galaxy film series. He also cited Star Wars, Flash Gordon, and Farscape as inspirations.

A Mass Effect movie is also in the works, though it has been a long time since we have heard anything about it. There is nothing connecting Gunn to the Mass Effect movie, but he weighed in with his thoughts on why video game films have a track record of mediocrity or worse.

“Most of them have failed because they’re bad,” he said. “Many hit the screens too late, after their draw is over. And others are better left as games.”

Andromeda launches on March 21 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. In other news, BioWare announced today that it will share more details about the game tomorrow, January 12.

For lots more on the game, check out all of GameSpot’s previous coverage here.