Funko has announced that it’s expanding its line of Pop toys with new ones for franchises such as Mass Effect, Overwatch, and Gears of War.
Starting with Mass Effect, toys for main character Ryder and teammate Peebee are on the way. As for Gears of War, the Wave 2 toys include the characters Old Man Marcus, Dom, Oscar, Baird, and Cole, as well as the fierce-looking enemy Brumak creature. Finally, the Overwatch Wave 2 toys include Mei, McCree, Lucio, Symmetra, Reinhardt, and D.VA (with 6″ Meka).

All of Mass Effect, Gears of War, and Overwatch Funko Pop toys come out in 2017, though specific dates have not been announced. They were announced this week as part of the London Toy Fair (via Game Informer). Five Tekken Funko Pop toys are also coming out this year.
Click through the image gallery above to see all the newly announced Funko Pop toys.
A number of games have seen Pop lines released previously, including The Witcher 3 and Titanfall 2, in addition to lots of entertainment franchises including Stranger Things and Game of Thrones. There are Pop figures for just about everything under the sun.