Star Wars Battlefront's Rogue One Expansion, VR Mode Dated

The final DLC pack for Star Wars Battlefront, which is themed around the upcoming Rogue One, arrives for season pass owners on December 6, EA announced today.

EA had previously said the DLC, titled Rogue One: Scarif, would arrive in December but hadn’t gotten any more specific than that. With Rogue One itself releasing on December 16, it’s no surprise to see the Battlefront expansion arrive in time for that.

Rogue One: Scarif adds four new maps, including the titular Scarif, which is the tropical planet seen in the trailers for the new movie. There also two new Hero characters from the film, Jyn Erso and Orson Krennic.

EA also provided a release date for the free Rogue One: X-Wing VR Mission DLC for PS4. This PlayStation VR mode lets anyone who owns the VR headset and a copy of the base game pilot an X-Wing.

Today marks the one-year anniversary of Battlefront’s release. To celebrate, EA is kicking off a previously announced event a bit early. From now until November 20, Battlefront owners can play the first three DLC packs for free. That includes the excellent Death Star-themed expansion released in September.