Super Mario Maker Used to Recreate Game Boy's Super Mario Land

Mario’s first portable adventure has been recreated by an intrepid Super Mario Maker player.

The entirety of Super Mario Land, the 1989 Game Boy game, can now be played through a series of levels in the Wii U version of Super Mario Maker. These were put together by player KHAce, who plays through all of them in the video below.

There are a total of 12 levels in all spanning four worlds, as well as the final boss fight against Tatanga, which was built in a separate level. Without access to the visual style of Super Mario Land, KHAce used that of the original Super Mario Bros. The Game Boy game’s music was also added in for the video version.

You can play through all of this for yourself by using the codes in the list below. The stage number links will take you to the level’s Super Mario Maker bookmark page.

  • 1-1: 8088-0000-02E1-8DAB
  • 1-2: 3eB9-0000-02E1-8E7E
  • 1-3: 0BE6-0000-02E1-8F1B
  • 2-1: 5751-0000-02E1-8FCF
  • 2-2: E5C3-0000-02E1-90B3
  • 2-3: 3624-0000-02E1-9251
  • 3-1: BC22-0000-02E1-93EE
  • 3-2: 20C5-0000-02E1-9504
  • 3-3: 25B0-0000-02E1-963A
  • 4-1: B108-0000-02E1-9772
  • 4-2: EE82-0000-02E1-986D
  • 4-3: 0103-0000-02E1-9992
  • 4-3 (Tatanga fight): ECCD-0000-02E1-9A32