Terry Crews Wants to Be in Overwatch, Visits Blizzard

Terry Crews visited the Blizzard headquarters this week to meet with the Overwatch team, sparking speculation that he may end up voicing a yet unannounced character.

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In a recent thread on Reddit, Terry Crews said, “I would LOVE TO PLAY DOOMFIST,” via a verified account at the suggestion from a fan.

This sparked a lot of excitement from Reddit’s Overwatch community, with the thread recording 1222 responses at the time of writing.

The Brooklyn Nine-Nine and The Expendables star threw fuel on the rumor-fire by visiting the Overwatch team at Blizzard headquarters. Nothing has been confirmed from either Crews or Blizzard, but fan speculation is running high.

While you’re waiting to hear whether Doomfist is announced as a playable character, check out Jeff Kaplan’s comments on fan disappointment with Mei’s winter skin, a roundup of all of the winter skins, and Blizzard’s announcement of an in-house book publishing label.