The Next PS2-on-PS4 Game Arrives This Week

Another PS4 port of a PS2 game will be available in a matter of days, Sony has revealed.

In its weekly PlayStation Blog post on upcoming releases, it lists Samurai Shodown VI for PS4 as coming on Tuesday, November 22 (via Gematsu). No details about the release were shared, but PS2-on-PS4 games generally feature slightly improved visuals and support for things like Trophies. A price also wasn’t announced, but PS2-on-PS4 games typically go for $10-$20.

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The SNK fighter was originally released on PS2 back in 2006 (following a prior release in arcades). It features a roster of just over 40 characters, including a handful not seen in the previous Samurai Shodown games.

Samurai Shodown VI is the most recent numbered entry in the series, which has been dormant for the better of a decade now.