Entertainment company Warner Bros. has completed its takeover of YouTuber network Machinima. The financial details have not been disclosed, though Los Angeles Times reports that a source familiar with the deal values Machinima at $100 million.
Warner Bros. first invested in Machinima back in 2014, to the tune of around $18 million. Today’s news means the YouTube network is now fully under the control of Warner Bros.–itself currently undergoing an $85 billion takeover by communications company AT&T.
Warner Bros. is not the only media giant to invest in YouTube. Disney acquired Maker Studios (which also controls another YouTube network, Polaris), in a deal that could eventually be worth $950 million, also in 2014. That means YouTube stars like PewDiePie, TotalBiscuit, and The Yogscast are all working under the Disney banner.
Machinima, which claims to hold over 400 million subscribers, made headlines earlier this year when the United States’ Federal trade Commission said the YouTube network “deceived customers” by paying YouTubers to review the Xbox One positively without disclosure of payment.
Warner Bros. itself came under similar scrutiny with regards to Shadow of Mordor videos, though one of the YouTubers involved, PewDiePie, insists he “didn’t even do anything wrong.