As of today, May 1, the Xbox One returns to its standard $350 price point, as the $50 temporary price that cut started in March has now expired. While that offer has ended, a new one has taken its place.

Retailers across the United States, including the big ones–GameStop, Amazon, Target, and Best Buy–are all currently throwing in a $50 in-store gift card with the purchase of a new Xbox One. You can visit this page to see all the available Xbox One bundles and retailer information.
The $50 Xbox One price cut brought the system down to $300, which is $50 below the rival PlayStation 4. The offer ran March 20-April 30, but it was not enough to put the Xbox One on top, as the PS4 outsold Microsoft’s console in March in the US, according to NPD data.
Sales information for April will be announced in the coming weeks.
Looking ahead, it is rumored that Microsoft will announce a new Xbox device at E3 in June. There are also rumors about a new, more powerful PS4. Keep checking back with GameSpot for the latest.